Consultation & Onboarding:
We will work with a unit right from the planning phase to ensure that they’re able to make the most of their hardware purchase and that installation is a seamless process. We top it off with user training and ongoing support for our client group. Learn More…
Sign Management Software:
You’ll be given access to the CoolSign digital signage management program. This program, in concert with UBC IT infrastructure, will give you the ability to fully manage your signs as well as be a part of the digital signage network. Learn more…
User Training:
We wouldn’t put you on a bike if you didn’t know how to ride one – the same goes for signage, we’re here to provide training for signage managers specific to the CoolSign system and to build knowledge about digital signage best practices across our university community. Read more…
Content Creation Guidelines:
Content is key when it comes to digital signage – at our top tier institution it’s critical that, collectively, we’re able to communicate in a visually effective manner that’s inline with our other communications standards. These guidelines are to help move us in that direction. See the guidelines…
Cost Savings:
There’s no cost to the unit for our consultation, equipment is purchased at competitive prices, and the licensing of the signage management software is covered by UBC IT. Get more pricing details…
Central Content Streams + Emergency Messaging:
We know that creating content isn’t always a walk in the park – so we provide a central playlist of content that has campus-wide appeal. Emergency messaging, if needed, will be broadcast across campus on digital signage. See what’s available…