After spending the last few months testing, trouble shooting, and running around to make sure content was displaying properly we were finally at a point where we could share the results of our Digital Signage pilot with the Communication Cardinals group (communications professionals from UBC).
The presentation went fairly smoothly, I didn’t trip up on my words as much as I normally do – the nods of approval from the audience really helped. I guess when you’re sharing that you want to help make communicating easier to a bunch of communicators it’s not going to be an uphill climb. Some of the points that I shared were:
- Digital signage provides the UBC community with an extremely flexible tool for sharing our messages, this is a great opportunity to get a coordinated approach done right.
- High quality content is key – bad digital signage is worse than no signage at all – and we’ll be working to provide support in that area as well.
- A connected network augments our ability to reach our community in case of an emergency.
- Sharing content will still require connecting across units – the mechanics of sharing content will be automated while maintaining all the benefits of relationship building (say goodbye to Power Point files in your inbox).
- We’re really looking forward to using YOUR input to inform our service – so please, join the conversation.
One question from the audience was, “How do you define success?” I kept my answer simple and along the lines of, “High quality content that’s presented through a network of signage and the satisfaction of our user base – that’s you.”
I’m looking forward to the next couple of months!