Section 5: Content Management for Digital Signage

File Naming Structure

In order to maintain consistency across content uploaded into the CoolSign system, we require that Content Managers and Content Creators name all of their assets using this file naming convention:

Expiration Date(YYYY MM DD)–Descriptor–Unit

Example: 2011 03 28 – UBC In The News – PA

This shows that it expires on March 28, 2011, is owned by Public Affairs, and its content is UBC In The News

Asset Management

Once content has expired, a Content Manager must remove it from the system. Managers are required to back up their own assets as they will not be archived within the system.

UBC Brand Content Requirement

Both the UBC Central Channel and the Unit Channels are required to display 5% brand content. In order to provide the necessary assets, UBC Public Affairs is building a library of UBC Brand Content and UBC Institutional Content resources.

UBC Central Channel Subscription

Public Affairs offers a UBC Central Content Channel with broad appeal that includes UBC Brand content and UBC Institutional Content. Subscription to the UBC Central Channel playlist will ensure that screens have up-to-date campus information and that Content Managers can fulfill the required quota of branded material.

For those Content Managers who choose not to subscribe to the UBC Central Channel and, instead, elect to create and manage their own content, individual brand asset files can be downloaded [XXX Location Link] and displayed on the unit signs to meet the 5% requirement.

Note: UBC Brand content items are denoted with “brand” in the unit portion of the asset name.

UBC Brand Content

UBC Public Affairs will provide UBC Brand content available in the CoolSign system to help unit Content Managers meet the 5% requirement of brand content. The branded content assets are currently being developed by Public Affairs in a range of expressions to meet varied programming needs.

UBC Institutional Content

Institutional content assets are displayed on the UBC Central Channel and are also available to unit Content Managers as individual assets or playlists. These assets are pulled from a number of communication vehicles, including:
The University of British Columbia’s web portal.

Place and Promise
Strategic goals and vision for UBC that capture the high-level visionary piece, which includes the university’s vision, values and commitments, along with the goals and actions that accompany each commitment.

Place of Mind

Community generated content for internal and external audiences digestible by topic. Feeds are pulled in through the a place of mind tab on the web Common Look and Feel. (CLF). It is a current reflection of content at UBC.

UBC Reports
Monthly research news, teaching and community service news from UBC.

UBC Events
Activities and events from across UBC targeted at students and faculty, staff, and the UBC community.

UBC This Week
An aggregation of content from across the university about weekly happenings for subscribers from UBC community.

UBC Daily Media Summary

Summary of UBC in the media, quotes, and articles for internal and external subscribers.